On Tour

Let's Run Away

A new solo from the Daniels in the vein of House and Here Lies Henry.  Peter tries to tell us his story but he can't stop interrupting, because it's not told in his words.  A performance of love and abandonment.  

This will be the seventh solo piece created by Daniel MacIvor and Daniel Brooks. 
In Development

How To Remember

How To Remember is a settler’s journey toward Indigenous Knowledge and an understanding of how trauma can be buried deep in the land.  Part performance, part ceremony How To Remember is an immersive event that uses urban history as allegory in an attempt to bring together both Indigenous and setter witnesses in exploring the mystery and beauty of the land we live on and the consequences settler fear has had on both Indigenous people and our shared world.
In Development

The Situation We Find Ourselves In Is This

The Situation We Find Ourselves In Is This is an interactive website which uses the last days of dramturge Iris Turcott as the spine for an embodied archive which weaves together the answers to the questions: Who was Iris Turcott? and What is dramaturgy? A collaboration with Puncutuate! Theatre and Matt MacKenzie. 

Who Killed Spalding Gray?

On the weekend of January 11, 2004, celebrated American monologist Spalding Gray ended his life by jumping off the Staten Island Ferry in New York. That same weekend on the other side of the country Daniel MacIvor was spending three days in California in a series of sessions with a man who had offered to save MacIvor's life. Linking these two real stories is a fiction derived from the obsessions of Gray and the inventions of MacIvor about a man named Howard who had forgotten how to live. A solo performance about truth and lies and the four most important things in life.

Written and Performed by Daniel MacIvor                        
Directed by Daniel Brooks                            
Dramaturgy by Iris Turcott

for touring availability please contact marcie@reworkproductions.com 
